ZARAHEMLA (1/6/2024)


Commentary on Section 125

â–ª by Jay Mackley
â–ª by Jay Mackley

Not everything specified by the Lord in Section 125 has yet to come to pass, like the cities being built. But prophecies often have multiple fulfillments, both immediately and in the future.

Moses 4:30
30 For as I, the Lord God, liveth, even so my words cannot return void, for as they go forth out of my mouth they must be fulfilled.

Doctrine & Covenants 1:30
38 What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.

Doctrine & Covenants 125 (March 1 1841)
1 What is the will of the Lord concerning the saints in the Territory of Iowa?

This question was posed to the Lord by Joseph Smith. British converts were coming in and starting to settle in Nauvoo and wherever else they could. There were concerns for their safety and exactly what to do with the incoming Saints.

2 Verily, thus saith the Lord, I say unto you, if those who call themselves by my name and are essaying to be my saints,

That should be all of us.

if they will do my will and keep my commandments concerning them,

This should be us too.

let them gather themselves together unto the places which I shall appoint unto them by my servant Joseph, and build up cities unto my name,

More than one city is named in verses 3 and 4.

that they may be prepared for that which is in store for a time to come.

Here the Lord is speaking of the future. I think it is our time.

3 Let them build up a city unto my name upon the land opposite the city of Nauvoo,

It has not happened yet but this is where Moses 4:30 comes in. Directly across Nauvoo are the two lots owned by different Heartland groups today. Just a small start.

and let the name of Zarahemla be named upon it.

The angel Moroni specified the Hill of Cumorah but Adam-Ondi-Ahman, the New Jerusalem, and Zarahemla are the only three place names specified by the Lord himself. Therefore faithful latter-day saints honor the location as Zarahemla whether they believe it is the same as the Book of Mormon Zarahemla or not.

4 And let all those who come from the east, and the west, and the north, and the south,

Early 1841 is when the British converts were arriving. They came in three ways: 1) via Quebec and the St Lawrence Seaway to the Great Lakes; 2) via the Erie Canal to the Great Lakes; and 3) up the Mississippi via New Orleans. The first two ways still required a land journey to get to Nauvoo. The New Orleans route required 19 more days on the Atlantic but then it was Mississippi river travel nearly all the way. The New Orleans route was the most popular for those who could get it. Interestingly the Saints came from the west when fleeing attack and persecution but that was concluded in 1839. There was no one coming from the west in 1841. Not until the reverse exodus which is happening in our day.

that have desires to dwell therein, take up their inheritance in the same,

It is an open invitation. Not an edict.

as well as in the city of Nashville,

There is a Nashville in eastern Iowa but it was founded about 1870 and is 139 miles north of Fort Madison. The Nashville being referred to in section 125 is what is now known as the unincorporated community of Galland, Iowa which is near the Mississippi River Road and about 3.5 miles south of Montrose.

or in the city of Nauvoo, and in all the stakes which I have appointed, saith the Lord.

Nauvoo and other stakes were also approved as gathering places. There are currently 12 church units in the Nauvoo Stake, with two new wards including the Fort Madison Ward.

Jay Mackley


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HRG History — by Jay Mackley

The Heartland Research Group is a grassroots, boots-on-the-ground organization that believes that the historical narrative of the Book of Mormon took place in the Heartland of North America. The HRG is active in archaeological research and in the acquisition, restoration and display of ancient American artifacts. The HRG is currently preparing an ancient ship replica called the "Phoenicia" for display. The ships construction design is patterned after a shipwreck dating to 600 BC. The Phoenicia ship made modern voyages, first around Africa and then also from the Middle East to Florida in 2019 – proving that voyages around Africa or from Sidon to North America were feasible anciently.

Heartland Research Inc is a 501c3 private operating foundation for archaeological research and to complete preparations for the Phoenicia display. Current plans are for a museum large enough to house the Phoenicia ship and many other ancient artifacts and exhibits from North America. The location of the museum is planned to be in Zarahemla which is Lee County Iowa, near the Mississippi river and east of Nauvoo, Illinois.

Our activities are too many to list, but some recent major expeditions are listed below. Many of these expeditions are open-ended and we expect to continue research in these and other similar activities as time, resources, and volunteers become available. We have dozens of volunteers and hundreds of donors, large and small, but we need many more. Check out the websites listed below for details of Heartland Research Group projects. Our current project is is our biggest yet: to refurbish the Phoenicia ship for display.

Go to the Donation Page

We invite you to support our efforts so we can complete these worthy goals!
If you have skills or knowledge to contribute to our research and discovery projects, please contact us directly to volunteer.

  • What: Sonar scanning of Mississippi between Nauvoo and Keokuk. The purpose of the expedition was to discover a crossing route that ancient people could have taken.
  • Who: Heartland Research Inc volunteers.
  • Where: Between Keokuk and Nauvoo, Iowa.
  • How: Private donations of money, time and equipment.

  • What: Magnetic scanning of 221 acres of farmland near Montrose, Iowa. The purpose of the expedition was the discovery of fire-pits and other evidence of ancient occupation.
  • Who: Members of the Heartland Research Inc, local farmers, volunteers, plus technicians from German company SYNSYS. Signs of habitation were found with magnetometery scanning and then C14 dating.
  • Where: Near Montrose Iowa and between Montrose and Fort Madison Iowa.
  • How: Large and small donations of money, time and equipment.

  • What: A one week seminar in Fort Madison, Iowa with 25+ participants. Included visits to the Putnam museum in Davenport, Iowa. There were twelve presentations on the ancient history and written languages of the upper Mississippi.
  • Who: Members of Heartland Research Inc plus presenters and interested attendees.
  • Where: Fort Madison, Iowa.
  • How: Private donations for space, time and lodging.

  • What: Ground penetrating electrical resistivity scanning for building foundations using electrical resistivity equipment from LandVisor.
  • Who: Members of Heartland Research Inc and volunteers.
  • Where: Zarahemla in Lee County, Iowa.
  • How: Private donations and ground support.

  • What: Metal analysis for alloy content. Ancient arrow and spearhead found in Wisconsin stream of cast bronze.
  • Who: Heartland Research Group
  • Where: Sample found in Wisconsin stream by scuba diver.
  • How: Private donations for lab analysis.

  • What: High resolution LiDAR scanning by supporter Air Data Solutions of 34,000 acres in Lee County, Iowa and also part of Illinois. The focus was to create high quality digital maps showing the terrain of the land, especially in the foothill areas where large earthworks are found. Discovery of 5-10 miles of ancient earthworks from LiDAR using QGIS and ArcGIS visualization software.
  • Who: Members of Heartland Research Inc plus AirData Solutions Inc.
  • Where: Lee County, Iowa and also part of Illinois, covering the much of Nauvoo.
  • How: Private donations for services, data processing, and analysis.

  • What: Commence process of restoring the world's oldest ship replica from 600BC, which has circumnavigated Africa and crossed the Atlantic ocean from the Middle East to America.
  • Who: Members of Heartland Research Inc plus volunteers.
  • Where: Lee County, Iowa between Montrose and Fort Madison.
  • How: Private donations for materials, space, and equipment plus donations in labor.

Mission Statement

The Heartland Research Group researches archaeological evidence of the ancient civilizations of America.
Heartland Research Group activities include:

  • Field Research
    Uses archeological techniques and scanning technologies to reveal the remains of ancient civilizations.
  • Ancient Artifacts
    Encourages and facilitate study of ancient North American artifacts, including tablets, tools, weapons, metal works, and other items.
  • Geography
    Research and develop maps, using scanning technologies and other means, to identify the locations and activities of ancient civilizations.
  • Linguistics
    Analyze and translate ancient writings found in North America, especially those relating to other civilizations world wide.
  • Preservation and Display
    Collect, restore, preserve, catalog and exhibit ancient artifacts and replicas, and make them readily available to researchers and viewable to the public.
  • Archaeology, Geology, and History
    Study and research into all aspects archaeology, geology, and history that shed light on ancient North American peoples and cultures.
  • Promotion and Support
    Raise awareness of our activities. Work directly with and support individuals and groups in activities that share our same goals.
The Heartland Research Group welcomes researchers and interested parties of all backgrounds to share their analysis and findings of ancient American heartland civilizations.

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