
Fund raising dinner at the Salt Place in Salt Lake City, October 2022.

In activities related to our search for Zarahemla in the last 2-3 years, there are many Volunteers, Donors, and Supporters both past and present. Many people have come at just the right time to lend the skills and the material support needs. It’s been a blessing. We do boots on the ground type of activities so if you would like to assist directly with archeological excavations, building the Phoenicia, or preparing the Museum – please contact us. Here is at least a partial list of supporters so far:

Aaron Andrew, Adam Stokes, Adrian Larsen, Alan Stander, Alan Warnick, Alexander Speed, Alexander Speed, Allen Dougal, Amita Myers, Amberli Peterspm, Andrew Erickson, Angelina Hooton, Anne Koepsell, Anthony Benson, April Harrison, Arnold Hammari, Barbara Garner, Barnet Neel, Benjamin Pedersen, Bernell Loveridge, Betty LaFontaine, Bill Wheeler, BJ Jordison, Blaine Skousen, Blaise Colasante, Bonita Houser, Boyd Bringhurst, Brad Barrett, Brad Stevens, Brandon Summers, Brendan Pearson, Brent Hale, Brent Heaton, Brent Hunt, brent merritt, Brian Nettles, Bruce and Kristie Steadman, Bruce Lloyd, Bruce Nisson, Bruce Thompson, Byron Wettstein, Cal Christensen, Candace Chilcott, Carl Davis, Carl Harris, Carole Cook, Casey Mortensen, Catherine Eldredge, Cathy Marler, Cecil Champenois, Charles Mellor, Charlie Merrill, Charlie Mitchell, Chauncy Childs, Cheryl M Clute, Cindy Mishler, Cissy Baker, Claine Petersen, Clarissa Griffith, Clint Biggs, Colby Alexander, Collin Cagle, Conner Morgan, Corinne Maldonado, Craig Bagley, Craig Daniels, Curtis & Patti Nielson, Curtis Anderson, Dan Briskey, Dan Duree, Dan Hennis, Dan Page, Dannan Royal, Daris Nevil, Darlene Scott, DarLynn Lee, Darwin Petersen, Daryl Crook, DAVID ANTHONY, David Baird, David Christiansen, David Faria, David Forand, David Hall, David Hocking, David Lemon, David Lindsley, David Salisbury, David Stitt, David Taylor, David Trout, David Welker, Deanne Ellsworth, DEE Clement, DeeRay Olson, Dellene Lafontaine, DeLoy Roberts, Dennis L Gunn, Dennis McMaster, Dennis Smith, Dennis Swett, Dennis W Cox, Deren Smith, DeVon Mecham, DMP Enterprises Inc, Don Arnold, Don Blonquist, Don Cummins, donald blum, Donna Mann, Doug Mower, Doug Nordgren, Douglas Carey, Douglas Romney, Douglas Woodhead, Drew Homer, Dustin Judd, Earl Demaree, Edward Konopinski, Ellen Clarke, Ellen Overson, Elmer B Scott, Elrain Thompson, Engracia M Dougherty, Eric Busby, Eric Hancock, Evelyn Howard, Frank Swenson, Gail Tucker, Gary Bennett, Gary Cooper, Gary Hawley, Gary Porter, Gary Tagg, Gayle and John Broberg, Gaylin Lytle, George Valentine, Georgia Colasante, Gill Larsen, Glen Kelsch, Gordon Reynolds, Greg Anderton, Greg Boulden, Greg Bowman, Greg Ellis, Gregory McIver, Gunnar Larsen, Hannah Stoddard, Harold Ethington, Irene Tukuafu, J Ridge Hartley, Jack Greene, James Bown, James Hasler, James Neville, James Peterson, James Reese, James Stephens, James W Lucas, Jared Brown, Jason Kendall, Jason Nash, Jason Otis, Jason Vinson, Jay Mackley, Jeanette Wells, Jeff Brodniak, Jeff Green, Jeff Peterson, Jefg Richins, Jennifer Brown, Jeri Mackley, Jesse Clutts, John Anderson, John Burke, John Homer, John Lefgren, John Norman, John R Widtfeldt, John Rauma, John S Rohrer, John Thompson, Joia Thompson, Jonathan Neville, Jonathan Shute, Joseph Jaussi, Joshua Wilson, Joyce Loveland, Joyce Morgan, Judith Ward, Julie Buck, Julie Orr, Justin Hall, Justin Mcfarland, K Gurney, Karla Campbell, Kate Robinson, Kathleen Stoddard, Kathlyn Astle, Kathryn Schoeni, Kathryn Visher, Kathy Tucker, Kathy Ward, Keith Warner, Kelly Newman, Kelvin Wallin, Kendall Jacobs, Kenneth Bowlby, Kenneth LeBlanc, Kenneth White, Kerry and Sherry Branch, Kevin Cundick, Kevin Price, KIm Burnell, Kim Hancock, Kristine Flamm, Kurtis Gomske, Kye Jestes, Lance Morris, Larry Lanning, Larry Meyers, Laura Tramell, Lawrence Heninger, Lee Phipps, Leia Beth Rogers, Lendon Whetten, Lenet Read, Lenna Smith, Lillian Campbell, Linda Harmon, Linda Pelchat, Linda Schaugaard, Linda Sutherland, Linda Zylks, Lloyd Marchant, Logan Brimhall, Lonnie Crockett, Lorraine Smith, Louis Redd, Lyle Mortimer, Lyman Stevens, Lynda Gonzales, Lynn Nunes, Lynn White, Lynne Dyer, Lynnj Douglas, Marc Astin, Marianne Watson, Mark Davies, Mark Dietz, Mark Elison, Mark Forth, Mark Sowa, Mark Wuergler, Marla Dana, MARLA McCain, Marlene Sheppard, Marsia Jager, Mary Wignall, Mathew Snow, Matt Hanes, Max Berry, Megan Wallace, Melissa Tillack, Michael Carpenter, Michael Davis, Michael Echard, Michael LaFontaine, Michael Mackley, Michael Strong, Michael Stuy, Michael Tea, Mike and Della Schnell, Mike Baker, Mike Lafontaine, Mike McDonald, Mike Stahlman, Mike Streeter, Mo Brock, monty blum, Mosiah and Julia Olvera, Nancy Dixon, Nancy Harston, Nancy Mass, Nanette Gagnon, Nathan Smith, Neil Lindberg, Norman O. King, Norris and Nancy Porter, Patricia Portz, Patti Oldham, Paul and Susie Wallentine, Paul Beadle, Paul Belue, Paul Landry, Paul Powell, Paul Tucker, Paul Winter, Peter M. Hansen, Philip Beale, Raelynn Hancock, Randolph Cooper, Randy Wilkey, Rian Nelson, Richard Duree, RICHARD HANSEN, Richard Malcolm, Richard Moats, Richard Moss, Richard Perea, Richard Speaks, Richard Stanavie, Rick Bennett, ROBERT A DUNKLE, Robert Cowart, Robert Crockett, Robert Douglas, Robert Nordmark, Robert Thorn, Robert Wilson, ROBIN HOUSE, Rod Cantwell, Rod Gates, Rod Meldrum, Rod Schmidt, Ron Bellus, RON MCGRATH, Ronald A. Sellers, Ronald T Moore, Rosalie Petersen, Rose Harolds, Roy Purkiss, Russ BARLOW, Ruth Ann Moore, Ruth Behrens, Ryan Eckstein, Ryan Sorensen, Sally Thomley, Sandra Peterson, Sandra Schmitt, Sarah Babcock, Saundra Bell, Scott & BR Shipman, Scott Willis, Sean Clark, Shane Hamilton, Shanon Brooks, Sharron Gillette, Sherryl Harrison, Sheryl Decker, Shirley Armstrong, Simisi Tukuafu, Stacey Madson, Stephen A Thomas, Stephen Baker, Stephen Howell, Steve Kimble, Steve Shurts, Steve E Smoot, Steve Woodby, Steven Bills, Sue Kartchner, SuZette Backus, Sveet Villy, Tamie Eastman, Tamlyn Laurence, Tarea Molina, Terry Bird, Terry Shine, Test Testing, Testing Testing, Thelma Loveridge, Tim Thayne, Tim Thomas, Timothy Elton, Tina Koivu, Tom Kunz, Toni Smith, Tracy FALSLEV, Trevor Branch, Tyler Banford, Valerie Allen, Valerie Hollobaugh, Valerie & Raymond Hatch, Valerie Steimle, Vaughn Spendlove, Vern Dillenbeck, Victor Southwick, Vince Thornsberry, Virginia Smith, WADE PARRISH, Walt Legits, Wayne May, Wayne Shute, Wes Clarke, Whitney Adams, William E. Murray Jr., William Hunter, William Nevil, Yuri Sanada, Zack Orton.

Did I forget a supporter that’s not on the list? Please note in the comment section or send me an email !!

2 thoughts on “Supporters”

  1. Michael Donohue

    Hello, I would like to purchase some of your cedar oil. Would you kindly direct me to an ordering page?

    Thank you,

    In peace and light,

    Michael Donohue

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HRG History — by Jay Mackley

The Heartland Research Group is a grassroots, boots-on-the-ground organization that believes that the historical narrative of the Book of Mormon took place in the Heartland of North America. The HRG is active in archaeological research and in the acquisition, restoration and display of ancient American artifacts. The HRG is currently preparing an ancient ship replica called the "Phoenicia" for display. The ships construction design is patterned after a shipwreck dating to 600 BC. The Phoenicia ship made modern voyages, first around Africa and then also from the Middle East to Florida in 2019 – proving that voyages around Africa or from Sidon to North America were feasible anciently.

Heartland Research Inc is a 501c3 private operating foundation for archaeological research and to complete preparations for the Phoenicia display. Current plans are for a museum large enough to house the Phoenicia ship and many other ancient artifacts and exhibits from North America. The location of the museum is planned to be in Zarahemla which is Lee County Iowa, near the Mississippi river and east of Nauvoo, Illinois.

Our activities are too many to list, but some recent major expeditions are listed below. Many of these expeditions are open-ended and we expect to continue research in these and other similar activities as time, resources, and volunteers become available. We have dozens of volunteers and hundreds of donors, large and small, but we need many more. Check out the websites listed below for details of Heartland Research Group projects. Our current project is is our biggest yet: to refurbish the Phoenicia ship for display.

Go to the Donation Page

We invite you to support our efforts so we can complete these worthy goals!
If you have skills or knowledge to contribute to our research and discovery projects, please contact us directly to volunteer.

  • What: Sonar scanning of Mississippi between Nauvoo and Keokuk. The purpose of the expedition was to discover a crossing route that ancient people could have taken.
  • Who: Heartland Research Inc volunteers.
  • Where: Between Keokuk and Nauvoo, Iowa.
  • How: Private donations of money, time and equipment.

  • What: Magnetic scanning of 221 acres of farmland near Montrose, Iowa. The purpose of the expedition was the discovery of fire-pits and other evidence of ancient occupation.
  • Who: Members of the Heartland Research Inc, local farmers, volunteers, plus technicians from German company SYNSYS. Signs of habitation were found with magnetometery scanning and then C14 dating.
  • Where: Near Montrose Iowa and between Montrose and Fort Madison Iowa.
  • How: Large and small donations of money, time and equipment.

  • What: A one week seminar in Fort Madison, Iowa with 25+ participants. Included visits to the Putnam museum in Davenport, Iowa. There were twelve presentations on the ancient history and written languages of the upper Mississippi.
  • Who: Members of Heartland Research Inc plus presenters and interested attendees.
  • Where: Fort Madison, Iowa.
  • How: Private donations for space, time and lodging.

  • What: Ground penetrating electrical resistivity scanning for building foundations using electrical resistivity equipment from LandVisor.
  • Who: Members of Heartland Research Inc and volunteers.
  • Where: Zarahemla in Lee County, Iowa.
  • How: Private donations and ground support.

  • What: Metal analysis for alloy content. Ancient arrow and spearhead found in Wisconsin stream of cast bronze.
  • Who: Heartland Research Group
  • Where: Sample found in Wisconsin stream by scuba diver.
  • How: Private donations for lab analysis.

  • What: High resolution LiDAR scanning by supporter Air Data Solutions of 34,000 acres in Lee County, Iowa and also part of Illinois. The focus was to create high quality digital maps showing the terrain of the land, especially in the foothill areas where large earthworks are found. Discovery of 5-10 miles of ancient earthworks from LiDAR using QGIS and ArcGIS visualization software.
  • Who: Members of Heartland Research Inc plus AirData Solutions Inc.
  • Where: Lee County, Iowa and also part of Illinois, covering the much of Nauvoo.
  • How: Private donations for services, data processing, and analysis.

  • What: Commence process of restoring the world's oldest ship replica from 600BC, which has circumnavigated Africa and crossed the Atlantic ocean from the Middle East to America.
  • Who: Members of Heartland Research Inc plus volunteers.
  • Where: Lee County, Iowa between Montrose and Fort Madison.
  • How: Private donations for materials, space, and equipment plus donations in labor.

Mission Statement

The Heartland Research Group researches archaeological evidence of the ancient civilizations of America.
Heartland Research Group activities include:

  • Field Research
    Uses archeological techniques and scanning technologies to reveal the remains of ancient civilizations.
  • Ancient Artifacts
    Encourages and facilitate study of ancient North American artifacts, including tablets, tools, weapons, metal works, and other items.
  • Geography
    Research and develop maps, using scanning technologies and other means, to identify the locations and activities of ancient civilizations.
  • Linguistics
    Analyze and translate ancient writings found in North America, especially those relating to other civilizations world wide.
  • Preservation and Display
    Collect, restore, preserve, catalog and exhibit ancient artifacts and replicas, and make them readily available to researchers and viewable to the public.
  • Archaeology, Geology, and History
    Study and research into all aspects archaeology, geology, and history that shed light on ancient North American peoples and cultures.
  • Promotion and Support
    Raise awareness of our activities. Work directly with and support individuals and groups in activities that share our same goals.
The Heartland Research Group welcomes researchers and interested parties of all backgrounds to share their analysis and findings of ancient American heartland civilizations.

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