Core Sampling and C14 Dating

Core Sampling 2020, by Jay Mackley

After the scanning was completed in Expedition 2, it was determined that core samples should be obtained for C14 dating. Having the magnetometer scans in hand is the key to knowing the GPS coordinates for good core samples. Instead of waiting for Spring of 2021 to obtain the core samples, Mike Stahlman was able to obtain the core driller and the necessary GPS receiver quickly so that core samples could be obtained in 2020. This was difficult physical work to do this manually in the cold, wind, and rain but it was accomplished in late November with Mike Stahlman, Scott Willis, and Wayne May on site.

Vilnius Radiocarbon, By John Lefgren, Dec 1 2020

Vilnius Radiocarbon is part of the largest research organization in Lithuania – Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC). The organization has made over 15,000 Carbon-14 tests for hundreds of companies from around the world. Their laboratory results have been used for reports that are printed in the best scientific journals.

Today the organization agreed to open its laboratory to the Heartland Research Group to determine the timeline from the radiocarbon evidence found from charcoal of ancient fires in the ground of Montrose, Iowa.

This is a picture (below) of the Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory at the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology in Vilnius, Lithuania. This facility provides radiocarbon C14 dating of samples with most accurate method using Accelerated mass spectrometer manufactured by National Electrostatics Corporation (USA). The laboratory will scientifically determine from our archaeological samples specific dates that are accurate to 30 years.

We have used the SENSYS MV X3 equipment to scan more than 220 acres in Montrose, Iowa. The subtle magnetic anomalies measured in nano-Teslas came passively out of the ground and logged on to digital maps that are available for our viewing and analysis. We made these scans only two weeks ago. The scans are now some of the most extensive landscapes with digital accuracy in North America.

We now have thousands of specific points where we can collect black charcoal from ancient fires. Carbon-14 testing of the small amounts of charcoal from these ancient fire pits in Montrose will be crucial for funding the phase of our research. Our sponsors want to know more about the dates and time frame of what we see on the digital maps. Next week we will take core samples that are from three to five feet underground. We have located the places of the ancient fires on grids within GPS coordinates that are accurate to +/-0.25″.

GPS Receiver obtained by Mike Stahlman for use by the Heartland Research Group.
Mike Stahlman checks the readout on the GPS receiver.
Core sample being drilled by hand. This is difficult work to do manually.
Careful field notes are taken for all sampling activity.
Some charcoal retrieved from the drilling activities.
Each sample sent is bagged and labeled according to directions.
List of samples sent for C14 dating.
Vilnius, Lithuania where the C14 samples were sent.
Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory at the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Samples being prepared for C14 analysis and dating. Dating is expected to be accurate to +/- 30 years.
C14 dating results are expected to be available January 28, 2021.
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