Phoenician Ship Reception, July 14 - July 15 (5/9/2023)

20220818 161142

Pheonicians 600 BC.

You are invited to a reception at the Phoenician Ship Museum in Montrose, Iowa. In this connection, we ask our friends to celebrate the world’s oldest ship replica that crossed the Atlantic Ocean. The gathering will be on the Mighty Mississippi from Friday, July 14th to Saturday, July 15th.

The Phoenicians were the greatest seafarers of the ancient world. In Lebanon, they lived along the coast and in the mountains. The impact they had on civilization was profound. During the Roman Empire, the Phoenicians were taken down and erased from history. In the Heartland of America, the Phoenician Ship Museum rewrites history. A study shows that the Pheonicians crossed from the Old World to the New World at least 2,000 years before Columbus.

The number of Lebanese immigrants in America has increased by hundreds of thousands. Taking root, growing, and becoming strong, they flourished. It is fully recognized by the Phoenician Ship Museum that the Lebanese played a major role in the ancient history of the Old World. Lebanese have played an important role in American history in the modern era.

We want you to see the 10 acres where the Museum will be built. We have the largest collection of Cedar of Lebanon logs in America. We want you to personalize a piece of cedar that will commemorate your family on the ship.

The Museum will be a place where the descendants of the Phoenicians will be able to celebrate their glorious history, sing their wonderful songs, dance their exciting dances and pray their faithful prayers. Please join our celebration. For more information, contact Dr. John Lefgren at [email protected].

Click here to see location.


The PHOENICIA coming to America with Lebanese Flag.

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