Pure Cedar Of Lebanon Oil From Phoenician Museum (6/3/2023)

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Laboratory tests confirm that we are producing Cedrus Libani / Cedar of Lebanon essential oils that are comparable to those produced by the Phoenicians 2,600 years ago.

We have designed our own equipment as we follow the ancient methods for the steam distillation of the cedar sawdust.

We are sure that if the representatives of the Pharaoh were to come to our processing facility they would be more than happy to do business with us as they prepare their king’s body for mummification.

Spice and fragrance traders from ancient times would have been happy to deal with us in their search for sources of the cedar oil.

We have the largest collection of Cedrus Libani / Cedar of Lebanon logs in America. We are now able to distill the oil in an ancient way from these logs.

Our intent is to sell the oil to high-end perfume producers who are located in America and overseas.

Our story is true. Our product is clear. We will now promote the narrative that Phoenicians came to America 600 years before Christ.

This is the precious and sacred oil that was used in Solomon’s temple and by the Egyptians as they prepared the elaborate burials of their kings in the pyramids that are near the Nile River.

We want to show how our Phoenician Ship Replica connests the Old World to the New Wolrd so so many centuries ago.

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3.2 fl oz of Pure Cedrus Libani / Cedar of Lebanon Essential Oil


The Aromatic Plant Research Center (APRC) is a state-of-the-art laboratory that utilizes a variety of methods to confirm the purity of natural products. The company’s executive advisory board is internationally renowned for quality control testing and expertise for aromatic plants.

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Cedar of Lebanon Heartland Research Group 2 OTC230522A page-0002


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Mike and Betty Red Ant LaFontaine with Dr. Prabodh Styal at ARPC.

Last week Mike and Betty Red Ant LaFontaine from Heartland Research met Dr. Prabodh Satyal at the Head Office of the Aromatic Plant Research Center in Lehi, Utah. They discussed with Dr. Satyal the first results for the steam distillation of essential oil from the Heartland Research Cedar of Lebanon logs from Tyler Arboretum.

Dr. Satyal is recognized as one of the world’s foremost scientists in the testing of aromatic plant materials. He has tested over 10,000 plants.

Interpretation of Test Results

We understand that high-end perfume makers are particularly interested in the content of the organic compounds under the name of himachalene. The attached report shows these compounds on three rows.

We note that the himachalene compounds are in astonishing proportions, and that they are the rare ingredients that convey the aromatic, healing and even magical capabilities of Cedrus Libani / Cedar of Lebanon.

The laboratory test results confirm that the himchalenes compounds by Area % are as follows.

14.92 alpha-Himchalene
10.72 gamma-Himchalene
49.78 beta-Himchalene
78.48 Total Himchalenes

These results indicate exactly what we would expect from the ancient and sacred Cedar of Lebanon trees that Phoenicians thousands of years cut and harvested for their ships and perfumes.

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