Q11. Why go to all the effort to build such a structure?
A11. There are two theories:
Flood control is one possible answer. You can see two water control berms in the LiDAR image to the right in the middle of the farm field. The earthwork berm is marked as “B”. However, the “B” berm in the bluff does not have the composition or placement to match the profile of a water control berm and only a few of the berms have any water near them.
At this point inquiries have produced no written or oral record of construction.
The other theory is one of military use. The berm may have once formed the foundation for a defensive wall. There are detailed accounts in the Book of Mormon of how defensive walls were built and how they involved wooden palisades and earthwork berms.
There is no proof or conclusive evidence for any theory at this point and more evidence is needed to show an ancient origin.